Care for your new family member-Give your hedgehog a vast amount of comfort by using aspen bedding. They will not find aspen to be the best choice for consumption. Many owners, breeders, officials, and petstores recommend paper shreds, but aspen is natural and familiar to these rodents. Besides that, they are more likely to choke on paper shreds than aspen. Now that you have the ground cover, let's move on to the surroundings. Hedgehogs are tolerant of any cage size (according to my experience) as long as you give them attention frequently each day. They are nocturnal animals, thus needing a dark shelter-sometimes a box, but you can be more creative than that! You may need to add a few plants to their environment. Plants can sometimes be essential depending on the temperature of your home. Speaking of which, increase or decrease your room temperature from around 60 to 80 degrees fahrenheit for the greatest comfort for your hedgehog, (I recommend 78 degrees personally). They will eat some forms of ferret food and nutrient provided hedgehog food found in pet shops and stores. You will also need a ball for them to play and roll in. They will grow weary and may leave droppings so it is best to keep an eye on your furry...Spiny friend. Give them time to adjust to their  habitat, which is probably best for at least 1 day. They are clean creatures, so bathing is necessary only 2 times a year. You may need to let them roam outside every once in a while for increased pleasureful activity.If you have any poisonous substances in or near the household, keep them out of the hedgehogs reach. Despite being immune to almost all poisons that are foreign to the hedgehog body, they have a defense instinct called self-annointing. If they come across a smell they are fond of, then they will lick it, foam in the mouth, and then contort itself to lick the hard-to-reach spines. The reason why you must keep poisons out of their reach is because they will use their self-annointment ability for their own advantage by licking poisons...I'll bet you know where this is going!!!               

   This concludes the basic care rules. Have fun with your hedgehog/hedgehogs!!!